Cannabis delivery driver now

I got the boot from the sci fi book store for smoking weed during my shift.

I am still pretty salty about it, because to me you sort of need weed to fully enjoy sci fi books.

In order to relax, clear our head, & lose myself in the world of the sci fi, I need to smoke out 1st. I am not mad at our boss for it, her hands were tied due to the rules of the parent chain. It’s a loss, because I undoubtedly liked that work, but now I am free to pursue a task at the cannabis dispensary instead. If any task would be more fun than a sci-fi book shop, it would be a cannabis dispensary. This state is pretty easy going, so recreational cannabis use has been legal for some time. That’s why I thought it would be cool to light up, it’s not as if I was smoking marijuana around children or anything. I applied for a task at the cannabis dispensary, & was psyched that they hired me on as a delivery driver. You can imagine how shocked I was to learn that there was no cannabis use allowed on this work, either. The cannabis dispensary had strict rules about using weed products while absolutely working, & driving while high was grounds for immediate termination. I believe smoking marijuana on any task will never be fine. On the plus side, I love our new work, the tips are sweet, & best of all I get an employee discount on all cannabis purchases! I just have to smoke it at home.



Not another lockdown!

Are you ready for another quarantine? Looks like part time is happening.

For me the COVID virus isn’t a political issue it is simply a matter of being healthy.

I respect social distance, I wear a mask in certain places, & I got the vaccinations not because someone is making me do it, but because I don’t want me or our friends to get sick. Anyone who makes this about politics is an oddball, if you ask me! I don’t want another quarantine any more than the next person, but if that’s what it takes then that’s what I will do, however my only real issue about another prolonged lockdown will be the delivery services, really just my cannabis dispensary… Last time the cannabis dispensary was caught as unaware as the rest of us, & it took them a few weeks to get it together and they didn’t have everything. They started using contract-free delivery drivers, who would set the cannabis on your doorstep or in your mailbox & then wait for you to pick it up. It was a good system, and one that they used well after the lockdown ended, although now the cannabis delivery drivers were a little more friendly in their work. The cannabis dispensary is a pharmacy, & thus should be allowed to keep going and not be shut down for the COVID resurgence… Still, if they can’t keep delivering & I have to go separate from cannabis for a few weeks it will not be a pretty sight. Maybe I should start stockpiling cannabis now, just in case the worst happens.


Marijuana products

The law is certainly weird

The battle for legalizing weed is still ongoing, but the people I was with and I have made some pretty amazing jumps in the last few years.

So we turned the tide of public opinion, & after that a lot of those people who followed government mandates separate from question are now starting to rethink things, and just because the government says something is wrong doesn’t make it wrong, then for many years the government decided that beer & liquor was illegal.

In a liberal state you aren’t allowed to catch rainwater in a pail, it’s against the law. Isn’t that ridiculous, that catching rain will get you in trouble with the law? Cannabis laws are no less odd, the mere proposal that a harmless, naturally growing plant is somehow immoral & against the law. I have been a proud grower & user of marijuana plants our entire adult life. I’m here to tell you it isn’t all about getting high, at all, because the hemp plant has many weird uses. I make a living on our hemp plants, but have been growing another set of crops, cannabis plants, in another location. I will be ecstatic when cannabis legalization becomes the law in this state, so I can incorporate both of our grow locations together. Cannabis & hemp are many different products, if you don’t know, that just come from the same plant, hemp contains zero THC, it is used for industrial & agricultural purposes, while the other kind is just for a good time. Once the people I was with and I have some cannabis dispensaries open locally, I will try & sell our several cannabis products directly to them.
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It is helping me come up with ideas

I run with a pretty neat crew of friends… This is by my selection, not by accident, because I love being surrounded by writers & freethinkers… It helps to amp up my own creativity.

I am a writer, & even though I am not a successful professional writer yet, that doesn’t make me any less of an artist.

So all of us have our own pursuits, & our own creative processes, but a single thing the people I was with and I all have in common is a need to brainstorm, so every one of us enjoy to all hang out & kick ideas back & forth, to see what works & what doesn’t. Every one of us always smokes a lot of cannabis in these sessions, & I personally believe it is essential to the writing process, when everyone thinks about smoking marijuana they think about the typical stoner from the films. I admit these people are around, deadbeat potheads with no ambition, but I believe cannabis can be an amazing tool to fuel creativity. When the people I was with and I spark a joint & pass it around the ideas start going, & cannabis smoke fills the air as the people I was with and I engage in deep-dive conversations. Would these conversations be possible separate from the peaceful effects of cannabis? I undoubtedly don’t know… But as the saying goes, if it ain’t broke, no need to fix it, so I will keep supplying cannabis for our brainstorming sessions for the immediate future, however on another note, I don’t usually smoke much marijuana when I am absolutely writing, because I enjoy keeping sharp. But for enjoyable & discussing deep thoughts, high grade cannabis just can’t be beat.


Medical marijuana

Say yes to legal weed

This was 30 years ago, but he wasn’t even selling it, he just had a few marijuana cigarettes on him for a party he was going to

You could say I am an activist, one of millions of people who did what they thought was right despite what the laws said. I assume that no matter how far you go back into human time you will find that governments are cruel and arbitrary. The authorities, be it a business owner or a politician, they set the laws that all the people else must live under. I assume it is the obligation of every human being, regardless of where you are living, to stand up for what you assume in. When it comes to pot, there is nothing wrong with it, nothing bad or evil, and there never has been! The fact that marijuna was ever deemed wrong is itself a cruel and arbitrary law, that hurt a lot of people for no fantastic reason. A guy who goes to my grocery store spent a few years in jail for possession of marijuana. This was 30 years ago, but he wasn’t even selling it, he just had a few marijuana cigarettes on him for a party he was going to. This is a great dude, and because of something as trivial as a misdemeanor amount of marijuana he lost years of his life. I am saying all of this as someone who doesn’t smoke weed, and outside of trying it out in school, I never have smoked it. This isn’t about myself and others getting high, this is about sitting for what’s right, and legalizing cannabis in every state in the nation is what’s right! No matter how you assume about marijuana, vote to support decriminalizing its use!


Sativa strains

No need to store weed

Back in the day weed wasn’t easy to find, at least for a high school aged boy it was.

Whenever myself and my pals found a guy with a product to sell, all of us bought everything all of us could.

All of us would get a half a pound of ditch weed just to keep smoking for another month. These days everything is different, and the supply is so large there is no reason to pile up; Do you buy a bunch of milk when you can go buy a new gallon of milk anytime you want? Of course not, and so I also don’t stock up on pot, because I can go get something right there anytime I wish. With another potential lockdown coming up, I am realizing that buying a little cannabis at a time is too short-sighted, and I need to pile up again. Of course there is a large change between buying half a pound of cheap dirt weed and buying bulk at a cannabis dispensary. I prefer the convenience of the cannabis dispensary, and I prefer the large range of products they carry, but they don’t stock the cheap stuff. To buy bulk and stockpile marijuana would mean taking out a personal loan from the bank… which absolutely isn’t a wonderful idea. I say that now, but if the cannabis dispensary closes down and I run dry I will be singing a weird tune. I assume I will do what I can to break down on smoking a little bit, and also purchase a little bit extra whenever I visit the cannabis dispensary, and slowly build up a stockpile.
Read more about cannabis

Finally I can sleep

Cannabis gave me full-body high, and when I fell asleep I stayed asleep

If I could take a drink and never have to go to sleep ever again, I would take it right now. I would certainly spend my money on that drink, because I do not like sleeping. I have been plagued with terrible nightmares for as long as I can remember… Going to sleep is as if sleeping in bed waiting for the world’s scariest movie to start, and I hate watching scary movies! I spoke to several nurses about it, but the sleeping brain is a mystery to people, so they all recommended therapy of one kind or another. Finally I found a hip nurse, who recommended I start using cannabis to help myself and others with my sleep issues. He explained to myself and others all the pluses and minuses, and possible effects, from using cannabis, but thought it might work since my case was so extreme. I must admit, the first time I smoked cannabis I hacked a lot, I felt sick like, and then I got undoubtedly fatigued. I felt no effect on my dreams that night, but was told there was a cumulative effect at play, so that night I smoked some more cannabis. A lot more cannabis, in fact, and this time I enjoyed it more, and the physical sensations it came with. Cannabis gave me full-body high, and when I fell asleep I stayed asleep. I was so happy. Thanks to cannabis, I had my first night of free, happy sleep in years! I still only smoke cannabis right before bed, but at this point I constantly smoke it right before bed, and have never slept better.

Getting my business plan together

I am a pretty fantastic baker, but an excellent chef.

After I got fired from my last cooking job thanks to social distancing, I decided to work on my cooking skills with my newfound free time.

I didn’t get hacked for my cooking, mind you, all of us all got laid off because of the pandemic closing our doors. The steakhouse was closed for so long that the owners ended up closing it down forever. That made it all the more important for myself and the other cooks to focus on honing our skills. I focused so I could pursue my goal of opening up a cannabis cafe. This city has a very hip, downtown area, and I assume a cannabis cafe could do undoubtedly well there, as a new business. COVID gave me a lot of time to work on a company plan, plus to perfect my recipes for a series of custom edibles! Everyone prefers cannabis infused edibles, they taste great and get you high, what’s not to enjoy about them? I assume that to raise enough capital to rent an actual space for my cafe, I can sell the edibles directly to local cannabis dispensaries. Freshly baked edibles, baked that morning, is a great way to catch people’s attention. Once I get some revenue coming in from the cannabis dispensaries, and I start getting my brand name out there, I can move into a full cafe. My timetable for all of this is sort of tight, however I suppose I need to move fast before some other cannabis cafe steals my idea and opens before I can.


Getting my business plan together

Getting my beauty sleep at last

I have constantly had a love/hate relationship with sleep. All men and women need sleep, the body needs it to calm down and recuperate from the trials of the day, and so the brain needs it to. Science has constantly been a bit unsure about how our dreams work, but all the people say yes that a brain that doesn’t dream is not healthy. All I have ever wanted is to sleep without dreaming, because for myself and others every night is nothing but disappointing dreams and nightmares. Sleepwalking, saying crazy stuff while resting, a whole litany of creepy stuff happens externally, and internally I am locked in horrific nightmares. For me, cannabis was the life line I required, and now I am sleeping better than I ever have before. After a few days of first trying out cannabis, just smoking a little at night, I noticed I was waking up the next day separate from remembering my dreams. I got high, went to bed, and then woke up like a normal new guy for the first time, and it was all because of cannabis. Believe me, I experimented to make certain it was the marijuana that was responsible for this. I took a few days off from smoking cannabis, and my nightmares came right back in full range! Cannabis has properties that, for myself and others at least, stop the dreams. I suppose that I am still dreaming, but it all happens being a thick blaze of marijuana smoke, and feels undoubtedly far away from me; Now I smoke cannabis every night, and I sleep as soundly as a baby every night.




The law still hasn’t changed much

I have constantly believed that there is no moral or health issue with cannabis, it is a plant that can be used medically or recreationally.

My best friend Ruby lives in the north, in the heart of the country, in what turns out to be a horribly intolerant locale. Ruby is currently in the county jail serving 5 months because she was carrying cannabis with the intent to sell. This blows me away, that in my day and age you can still be put behind bars for something like that! Have all of us not updated as a species? I’m sorry, I’m still undoubtedly upset about this, because the court of public opinion has turned on this sort of thing, and the law of the land is increasing because of that! Just this week I was at my cannabis store, placing my order on the edibles they leave sitting around, and I thought about Ruby. Here I was being treated like I’m at the mall in a legal cannabis dispensary, and there Ruby was in jail for doing the exact same thing. I have constantly believed that there is no moral or health issue with cannabis, it is a plant that can be used medically or recreationally. If the cannabis industry was responsible for a fraction of the death and illness caused by Big Tobacco, I might be against legalization. Compared to tobacco, cannabis is virtually harmless, and yet there are people like Ruby that are locked up for it, it makes me upset! I don’t even assume it’s enough to decriminalize marijuana, I assume anyone who has ever been arrested for it needs to be set free right this instant, and their records removed of the charges. In my opinion, no one should go to jail for cannabis ever again.

Marijuana oils