Not another lockdown!

Are you ready for another quarantine? Looks like part time is happening.

For me the COVID virus isn’t a political issue it is simply a matter of being healthy.

I respect social distance, I wear a mask in certain places, & I got the vaccinations not because someone is making me do it, but because I don’t want me or our friends to get sick. Anyone who makes this about politics is an oddball, if you ask me! I don’t want another quarantine any more than the next person, but if that’s what it takes then that’s what I will do, however my only real issue about another prolonged lockdown will be the delivery services, really just my cannabis dispensary… Last time the cannabis dispensary was caught as unaware as the rest of us, & it took them a few weeks to get it together and they didn’t have everything. They started using contract-free delivery drivers, who would set the cannabis on your doorstep or in your mailbox & then wait for you to pick it up. It was a good system, and one that they used well after the lockdown ended, although now the cannabis delivery drivers were a little more friendly in their work. The cannabis dispensary is a pharmacy, & thus should be allowed to keep going and not be shut down for the COVID resurgence… Still, if they can’t keep delivering & I have to go separate from cannabis for a few weeks it will not be a pretty sight. Maybe I should start stockpiling cannabis now, just in case the worst happens.


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