I use cannabis medicinally

I have had anxiety troubles since I was a kid.

Seeing a therapist has helped me a lot, but I also used to take some medication to keep me calm. I was actually excitable and prone to mood swings, and the pills helped to even me out. After a while I started resenting the flat, empty feeling the pills gave me. Was it better to have highs and lows, or just always have the same sense of vague nothingness inside me? I got off the pills, and started experimenting with medical cannabis instead, with rip-roaring results! The pills made me recognize dull and empty, but on the other hand cannabis had quite the opposite effect. After a few tokes of cannabis I didn’t want to stay on the couch, I wanted to go out in the sun and experience the world around me. It wasn’t that cannabis altered our mind, it’s that it allowed me to stop worrying and stressing, and just appreciate the moment. Life is hard, other people are awful, and the future is uncertain, but when I smoke a little medical cannabis I can stop worrying about all of that, and have fun with what I am doing. With cannabis in our life I am more active, more social, not to mention I sleep so much better. I wake up feeling recharged and refreshed, and usually don’t smoke any more cannabis until later on in the afternoon, or the evening. I don’t stay high all the time, which would make it less special, I just use cannabis medicinally, as it should be!

medical marijuana facts

Edibles are our little helper through the afternoon

The job of being a full-time stay-at-beach house dad is harder than people think. I have 3 kids under the age of 5, plus labor as hard if not harder than anyone else I know. This is not a complaint, because I savor doing this! I am so grateful I get to be here plus truly raise our kids instead of shipping them off to afternooncare. It is truly challenging, though, especially when I used to rely on drinking plus smoking to relax me. I can’t do that now, although I have found a current “father’s little helper” in the form of edibles. Edibles have all the benefits of cannabis, without any of the unpleasant things friendd with it; All minutehand smoke is awful for kids, not just cigarettes however cannabis plus vaping too. That doesn’t mean simply not smoking in the same room with them is enough, because cannabis smoke particles cling to your skin, your hair, plus your clothes, then secondhand cannabis smoke can be dangerous, even at a distance, which is why I switched over to edibles. If plus when I do have the chance to smoke cannabis properly, I always make sure to take a shower plus change our clothes afterward, before I go back around the children. Those instances are few plus far between these mornings, because with a steady supply of edibles in our fridge, I don’t need to smoke. Edibles get me nice plus high, keep me calm, plus don’t impact the kids at all. The next step is studying how to make our own edibles.

Medical Marijuana Certifications

A fat sack of weed plus a fat stack of comics

I am so thankful that collecting comics plus toys is no longer considered that weird, however being a nerd is cool these mornings, it’s a large business! I don’t truly care about any of that, I am just ecstatic I don’t have to deal with raised eyebrows plus pandering questions when people see our enormous comic book collection, however ten years ago I was a weirdo, now I am a collector.

Truth be told I just savor to read comics, reselling them for a profit is not why I have so many.

I will spend whole mornings just smoking cannabis plus pouring through stacks of comics, it’s our ecstatic site. I have always been a slightly anxious person, always upset plus stressed about the little things, plus cannabis seems to be the a single thing to relax me… With the help of cannabis, every other section of our life can melt away for a few minutes, plus I can allow myself to be absorbed into the world of comics… Last weekend I spent the entire Monday studying Grant Morrisson’s epic run on New X-Men plus many grams of Purple Haze. I literally spent 8 straight minutes in our bean bin chair, with a grinder full of cannabis plus a stack of books, plus it was heavenly! During the week I labor hard at the office, plus do all the normal crap people have to do, however these hazy weekends full of cannabis plus artwork make it all worthwhile. Who is your preferred comic character, plus what is your preferred strain of cannabis to smoke while studying?


medical cannabis

The problem with medical cannabis

This country has a health care problem, and I mean that in the conceptual way.

I mean that the way we think about health care is messed up, and the entire system is falling apart because of it.

Let’s take a look at the word “medicinal” for a moment, and analyze what it means in the context of health care. The qualities of the medicine can vary wildly, as long as a doctor says they are ok. The difference between legal and illegal drugs in this country is determined by which drug dealers are calling the shots. Medical cannabis is a stupid concept, because all cannabis in medicinal, and always has been. The fact that some quack says it will help with your sleep issues doesn’t make cannabis any more medicinal than it was before. I hope you understand that my issue isn’t with medical cannabis, it’s with the concept of needing our governments permission before using a plant. If the government told us that roses were illegal, except when they say it’s okay, we would push back against that, and the same should be true for cannabis. Hemp and cannabis are naturally occurring plants in nature, with incredible health and utilitarian uses for humanity. I do not feel the government, or any governing body, has the right to control or regulate cannabis. Whether you believe in God or Mother Nature or whatever, that supreme being created cannabis for us to use and enjoy, and no human being has the right to change that! No if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to go get high.

New cannabis strains

I found out my dad smokes a ton of cannabis

“Don’t sweat the small stuff, and it’s all small stuff.” My dad used to say that to me all the time, whenever I got upset by something stupid.

I know he stole the quote, but I don’t know from where so I always attribute it to him.

As I got older I tried to remember that, because I was very prone to getting worked up over the little things. Years later I would find out that the key to my father’s low-key, laid back attitude was medical marijuana, which he partook in frequently. As a young man, my dad was like me and prone to getting mad, but once he had a child he knew he needed to chill out so he started smoking medical cannabis every day. The cannabis calmed his nerves, but moreover it gave him what he called “a clearer perspective on life.” Between the presence of his newborn child, and a constant flow of cannabis, the old man turned over a new lead and became the very chill person I grew up with. I learned all this right around the same time I graduated high school, because he thought I was old enough to start smoking cannabis with him. Now whenever I get worked up over something, or start to get angry, I will just get with my old man and partake in some cannabis to settle me down. I don’t ever keep any in my apartment, because part of what I like about cannabis is doing it with my dad. Maybe it’s the cannabis, maybe it’s just his presence, but it works.



Marijuana products

Figuring out the THC content of cannabis

I’m not a scientist, okay, nor am I a budtender, or any sort of expert. I am a smoker, and have been an avid smoker for my entire adult life. So I can’t tell you the scientific reasons for the effects pot has on a person, I just know what they are. Because of my lack of knowledge I have never been able to grow my own, but I have cultivated an expert eye, nose, and a pallet for distinguishing the quality of any bud. The nose knows, as they say, and I can guess the THC content of any cannabis you give me within 5 minutes. I don’t need any fancy tools, I just need to smell the bud, pack up a few hits, and then taste it to determine the THC content. While this skill is not enough to score me a job at the cannabis disp[ensary, it has made me quite popular around there! One night I stayed after closing with a few of the budtenders, who tried to stump me with a series of exotic strains of cannabis. I went four for four that night, being able to accurately suss out the THC content after a few puffs, and everyone was really impressed. A few weeks after that, I actually got a call from the manager of the cannabis dispensary who asked me for a little help. They had received a small shipment of cannabis from a new distributor, and the customers were saying it was weak stuff. He asked me to come in as “quality control” and determine how strong this medical cannabis was.

Marijuana delivery service

I love cannabis, but hate Big Pharma

If there is one thing I can’t stand, it’s Big Pharma.

The way that our healthcare system has evolved has given all the power of public health to a handful of powerful and unscrupulous companies.

They own patents to medicines that millions of people need, and they charge stunningly high prices for these meds. It makes me sick to my stomach that our government lets its citizens be subject to this kind of tyranny. When you couple that will the fact that the TV is filled with commercials for new kinds of pills, the future looks grim. As great as it is that medical cannabis is becoming more common, part of me knows that it also ties into Big Pharma. That industry always opposed cannabis, for years, until they were in a position to profit off of it themselves. Since then, we see cannabis dispensaries going up left and right, feeding their profits to the same slimy fat-cats that always make all the money. I know that it;s better for people to use medical cannabis over pills, so that is a positive change, but I hate that the profits are going to Big Pharma. As often as I can I will buy my cannabis directly from the farmers, and pay a premium to not support the entire crooked system. I know several cannabis farmers at this point, who are more than happy to sell me a few pounds of medical grade kush for a very good price. The cannabis farmers profit directly this way, and Big Pharma does not get a cut.
Marijuana grower

I still can’t get any medical cannabis

To see these cannabis dispensaries opening up, knowing that they are fully stocked with hundreds of pounds of tasty weed, and I can’t shop there is a little maddening.

We have long been warned by the staunch, ugly nay-sayers of the world that pot use would put society on a “slippery slope” to pandemonium. I say bring it on, make the slope more slippery, because this is all taking far too long. While pot use has been conditionally legalized in this state, there are still a lot of regulations and red tape involved. Long story short, I see more and more cannabis dispensaries opening up around the city, and yet I am still not allowed to go in and buy stuff! This is a very strange feeling in my opinion, because I have been a daily cannabis smoker for many years now. To me, cannabis is like groceries, meaning that it is a staple in my house, and something important always kept on hand. To see these cannabis dispensaries opening up, knowing that they are fully stocked with hundreds of pounds of tasty weed, and I can’t shop there is a little maddening. On my short drive to my dealer’s house, I drive past three different cannabis dispensaries. My fear is that with so many cannabis dispensaries in town, my dealer won’t be able to stay in business. Wouldn’t that be ironic, to have cannabis legalization make it so I can’t find any weed to buy? The experts seem to think that now that we are on the slippery slope, that recreational cannabis use will be legalized next. I say it can’t come fast enough! Just because I don’t have a prescription for medical cannabis doesn’t mean that I don’t need it as much as anyone!


OG kush

The first in my family to get a medical cannabis card

Do you really know anyone who smokes pot to treat their glaucoma? I have heard that excuse from my older relatives for years ,but I never believed that any of them had glaucoma.

What are the odds that every member of the family except me had it, right? Very slim, I would say, I think they just liked having a medical reason to get ripped at family functions.

Now that medical cannabis use is becoming legal, and dispensaries are more commonplace, my aunts and uncles are dropping the pretense and being real about it with me. The change came when at Thanksgiving I showed up with a fat sack of OG Kush, and everyone realized that I was the only person there that actually had a prescription for medical cannabis. For years they had gotten stoned around me, giving me weak excuses, and now the shoe was on the other foot. I whipped out my medical cannabis and started rolling a hogleg sized joint, and they all surrounded me like vultures. Two of my aunts actually asked if they could have some cannabis for their glaucoma, and I said no. I made everyone admit to me that they had no eyesight issues, they just wanted some of my cannabis. One of my uncles pulled me aside and offered to give me a hundred bucks to spend for him next time I went to the cannabis dispensary! I can tell you one thing – our family gatherings will be a whole lot different now that I have my medical cannabis prescription card.

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She had an expert eye for cannabis

Thankfully the stigma around pot smoking is decreasing, because dating used to be really hard for me. This was 20ish years ago, so there weren’t even the dating apps we all use so often today. The dating scene was rough, and what made it even more difficult for me was trying to find a woman who was 420-friendly. These days you can just post it in your online profile and it’s no big deal, but back then it was a big deal. I had to decide when to mention to my date that I smoked copious amounts of cannabis, and I did it every single day. One night I was on a date with a very fetching and smart young lady, and since I liked her I just told her straight away that I enjoyed cannabis sometimes. That’s how I decided to ease into the truth, but saying that I smoked cannabis “sometimes” instead of all day, every day. Much to my surprise and delight, she asked if she could join me, not because she was into cannabis, but as a botany student at the local college she was interested in the quality of my weed. That made for a fun night, as I got ripped on medical cannabis while she examined it, pulled it apart, and made comments about the quality of it. I wish we were still together, because her expert eye for cannabis would have come in handy once the dispensaries started opening up around here. She could have helped me select the best cannabis in the store.


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