Author: admin

Learning to grow cannabis is saving me big money

I don’t even have a green thumb to be honest, but I do adore growing plants and vegetables in my garden. It initially started when my parents let me observe them doing all of the landscaping in our yard while I was being raised. Every year they purchased numerous pallets of flowers from the hardware […]

Growing cannabis is pretty cool

It was a brutal process of trial and error at first, however now I basically understand how to keep the plants alive and what to do with the nutrients to promote ultimate flower growth I don’t have a green thumb to be honest, although I do enjoy growing plants and vegetables in my garden immensely. […]

I can’t wait to try out some new cannabis products

The grocery stores have struggled immensely to keep products on the shelves during recent supply-line shortages. People think that it’s because of COVID lockdowns in the present moment, but a huge amount of these shortages are the result of over a year of various causal factors that are all correlated in one way or another. […]