Author: admin

My buddy definitely was in need of cannabis delivery

A fairly good friend of mine was suffering from significant depression plus she couldn’t leave her property. Whenever she needed something, she had to call the store to make sure they could do a delivery to her area. Over the past couple years, delivery has become a common part of normal living, but not back […]

I love this new cannabis cafe

I am not well known for trying new things. When I find something I like I stick with it. My first car in high school was a Corolla, and I drove that thing for eight years. When it finally died, you know what car I bought next? That’s right, I bought another Carolla, because I […]

No marijuana laws during Spring Break

During this time, as a way to prop up the local economy, marijuana laws are not enforced, nor are open container liquor laws. Spring break two years ago was probably the greatest time of my life. I spent a full two weeks at the beach, getting crazy every single night and soaking up sun in […]

Learning to grow cannabis is saving me big money

I don’t even have a green thumb to be honest, but I do adore growing plants and vegetables in my garden. It initially started when my parents let me observe them doing all of the landscaping in our yard while I was being raised. Every year they purchased numerous pallets of flowers from the hardware […]

Growing cannabis is pretty cool

It was a brutal process of trial and error at first, however now I basically understand how to keep the plants alive and what to do with the nutrients to promote ultimate flower growth I don’t have a green thumb to be honest, although I do enjoy growing plants and vegetables in my garden immensely. […]