New cannabis products are coming in at our local cannabis store

The grocery stores have struggled a great deal to keep products on the shelves while in recent supply-line shortages.

  • People suppose that it’s because of COVID lockdowns in the present moment, however a bunch of these shortages are the result of over a year of various causal factors that are all correlated in some way or another.

One such example is lumber. The plants had to cut work while in the initial lockdowns, driving the supply down and raising the prices enormously. Once residential and commercial construction resumed in earnest last Autumn, the already dwindling lumber supply was reduced even further. I can’t imagine trying to purchase wood to build a deck or a tool shed at the moment, it would almost be cheaper or the same price to have a professional do it at the end of the day. The marijuana dispensaries have struggled bigtime with keeping stock on the shelves at all times also. I guess that they had to cut back some of their work while in the pandemic, however most of the dispensaries were able to transition enough without needing to cut job positions altogether. Maybe it’s an increase in demand now that people are working normal hours again and have for months straight, or perhaps there are other factors I’m not actually aware of. Regardless, I have had to deal with low product inventory for numerous weeks at multiple cannabis dispensaries. I’m so happy that the closest medical marijauana store is unveiling brand new marijuana products this week. They have developed their own version of the cannabis concentrate known as terpene sauce. I’m really excited to try it out for myself.