Learning to grow cannabis is saving me big money

I don’t even have a green thumb to be honest, but I do adore growing plants and vegetables in my garden.

It initially started when my parents let me observe them doing all of the landscaping in our yard while I was being raised.

Every year they purchased numerous pallets of flowers from the hardware store and they would let myself and others help plant the flowers into the ground. Once I was able to learn how to keep simple flowers completely alive, they started to teach me how to germinate seeds. That isn’t the most simple process, however once you have seed germination down you can grow essentially anything. One of the first things that I wanted to attempt growing were watermelons. They are one of my most preferred fruits and I was thinking the idea of having watermelons growing out back was wonderful. It took quite a few tries to get it down, however eventually we planted and harvested numerous watermelons before switching to other fruits and vegetables. Right now I’m putting my growing skill to the ultimate test with trying to grow cannabis in a grow cabinet that I put together in my closet. I never had the intention to grow cannabis as an official activity, however it’s becoming severely hard to afford buying marijuana flower products at the cannabis dispensaries in my state. At certain locales you have to pay approximately $60 for an eighth of an ounce of quality cannabis flower. Some people will only pay a small amount more to get a half ounce in other states where there is way better access to the cannabis products. With prices so low, I figured I should really try growing the plant entirely on my own. It was a fairly serious process of trial and error in the beginning, however now I really feel as though I understand how to keep the plants living strong and what to do with the nutrients to promote flower growth. I genuinely hope to keep improving, however at least my initial harvest wasn’t all that bad.



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