Author: admin

Needed help with scheduling

I have found that I am not truly nice at scheduling, i can’t seem to predict how various employees I need at the store at a single time. I don’t take into consideration holidays, weekends or weather. I also don’t consider how sales will affect traffic to the store. I frequently mess up the schedule […]

Needed help with scheduling

I have found that I am not entirely great at scheduling… I can’t seem to predict how several employees I need at the store at one time. I don’t take into consideration holidays, weekends or weather. I also don’t consider how sales will affect traffic to the store. I frequently mess up the schedule with […]

Both of us advertise on social media services

One of the best ways to advertise right now is social media, however everyone is on social media services love facebook, tick tock, and snapchat. These Services keep people in touch with 1 another and they deliver geographical location about people in a particular area. I work for a marketing repair that targets clients in […]

The dispensary was so close to the plant fire

Last Friday there was a immense fire at the factory across the street from the building where I work. I could see smoke coming from the building before the fire crew arrived. Someone absolutely called them quickly, however it was scary to see the building on fire and no help in sight. The fire burned […]