Needed help with scheduling

I have found that I am not entirely great at scheduling… I can’t seem to predict how several employees I need at the store at one time.

I don’t take into consideration holidays, weekends or weather.

I also don’t consider how sales will affect traffic to the store. I frequently mess up the schedule with not putting enough people on. I also tend to short people on minutes rather than rotate throughout the staff. I have put people together that don’t labor well together. I also have tied up people when they request afternoons off. It has dawned on me that perhaps scheduling is not something I can handle. It is my marijuana dispensary & I manage it. I don’t want to hand the reins over to a common bartender that could abuse the power. So I have been looking into hiring a professional to help me with the shcueling & managing of my budtenders. I found across the board the best person to hire is a recreational cannabis consultant… They are knowledgeable in the cannabis field & have worked with several dispensaries. They guess what kind of traffic to expect when. The cannabis consultant I am looking at works only in my community too. They guess what kind of shopper we are getting & when. The cannabis consultant shouldn’t have a problem making a full functional schedule. I am hoping that eventually I can learn how to always do it & take the reins back. I don’t want to have a cannabis consultant making my schedule for the rest of my life.

marijuana business consulting service