Downsizing how much I carry

I used to carry a giant bag with me anywhere I went.

I loved that I could carry my phone, wallet, keys with me.

I also carried snacks, water, an umbrella, band aids and my cannabis products. It was my Mary Poppins bag that had just everything I needed. Well my friends started realizing that I had plenty of space to bring their stuff along too. Suddenly all my guy friends were unloading their keys, phones and wallets. I became the group pack mule. It made my bag heavy and it was hard getting my stuff out. I finally downsized to a small wristlet. I can fit a credit card, cell phone and that is it. My keys now hook onto my belt loop and my cannabis is an oil form now. I carry the vape around my neck on a lanyard with a preloaded oil cartridge. There, all the essentials are taken care of. All my buddies are so bummed that I can’t lug their stuff with anyone. My wristlet couldn’t take one more card in it without exploding. I would refuse to wear anyone else’s keys or cannabis products. It is so nice just carrying my own stuff. I do miss having a lighter, grinder and ash tray for my cannabis flower. An oil form just isn’t as fun or relaxing. In the end I think it is worth it though. I don’t want to carry so much weight and be expected to share. It is easy to share a flower form. A vape is a little more personal in my opinion.



cannabis dispensary events

I like going to sit in the lounge

My friends and I go to college Monday through Friday and on the weekends we like to party. We live really close to the city and the campus is right near the water. The school campus is located in a state where recreational marijuana products are legal. One of the biggest reasons why I chose this particular school campus is due to the fact that marijuana was already legal. When I was 19 years old, I went to a doctor and they gave me a medical marijuana prescription. I told the doctor that I had a lot of anxiety when I took tests and he gave me a medical marijuana prescription. It helps me save money on taxes when I go to the dispensary. Also, I’m not 21 years old yet so I can’t legally buy recreational marijuana. This is the only way I can go to the dispensary and get the things that I need. I also like going to sit in the lounge. There is a lounge at the medical and recreational marijuana dispensary near me. The lounge has places for everyone to sit and relax. There are two couches, several different chairs, a couple of tables, and two big screen tvs. There is even a snack bar inside of the lounge that sells pretzels, chips, cookies, and soda pop. The recreational marijuana lounge is only available for people who purchase items inside of the dispensary. If you buy something from the shop, you can hang out and smoke it with your friends. The lounge is a pretty neat and interesting place to go on the weekends.

medical pot dispensary

Marijuana helps with my mental health

Marijuana absolutely helps with my mental health. It makes me feel more calm and relaxed. I have suffered from mental health issues since I was a teenager. I medicated with lots of different drugs when I was younger. When I was in my twenties, I was in and out of rehab four times. My last stint in rehab lasted for 2 months. While I was there, I had to enter an aggressive treatment program. In the treatment program, some of the doctors talked about using medical marijuana to help with mental health issues. I learned more and more about medical marijuana while I was there. When I left the treatment program, one of the doctors gave me a prescription so I could get medical marijuana for my cannabis dispensary near me. It was very expensive to get the cannabis dispensary card, but my mom and dad helped with the fees. They were the ones paying for rehab and they wanted me to do better. When I told them that medical marijuana might be able to keep me off of drugs, they were happy to pay the price for the card and anything else that I needed. Rehab is covered by insurance, but medical marijuana is not. I spend about $100 every week on medical marijuana but I have not relapsed in 8 months. This is the longest I have been sober and off drugs since I was a teenager. Medical marijuana really helps me feel much more mentally stable and I think it’s going to help me stay clean too.

recreational cannabis

The cannabis shop is going to start a delivery service

The cannabis shop near me is open 7 days a week.

  • They have walk in and pick up services.

If you walk in the building to make an order, you have to wait about 10 or 15 minutes all the time. There are constantly people inside of the cannabis shop. If you place an order online, you can walk right into the store and pick up your order. You don’t have to wait in line. Unfortunately, the cannabis shop doesn’t always list all of the sales and specials online. The only way you can find out what’s on sale is to actually go to the marijuana dispensary. Last weekend my friends and I went to the cannabis shop to see if anything was on sale. There was a person in the lobby giving away free hats and t-shirts. The person was from a company that I did not recognize. I found out that they were a company that makes edibles. I got a free baseball cap with the name of the company. While I was at the cannabis dispensary, I also found out that their shop is going to start delivering at the end of next month. They are currently making sure that they have enough delivery drivers and they are supposed to start advertising the delivery service soon. I heard some people in the cannabis shop talking about the delivery service and that makes me very excited. I would rather stay at home and order online. I hate having to get up and go to the cannabis shop every time I want to get high.


Indica strains

I got a letter from a friend

While we were hanging out, we smoked recreational marijuana.

My best friend Jack and I have known each other since high school. Jack started going to the school when his parents moved in the 8th grade. Jack and I met when we played baseball together and we have known each other since then. Jack and I went to the same community college and then I got a scholarship to go to a division one school. Jack and I lost touch for a while, but recently we had the opportunity to catch up again. Jack and I met up on Facebook and we made plans to get together for the weekend. I was excited to see my old friend again. Jack was only living 4 hours away from me, so I decided to drive to the location. It was a nice drive and I spent a lot of time on the country roads. I saw some parts of the state that I had not seen before. Jack and I had a great time together. While we were hanging out, we smoked recreational marijuana. Jack and I smoked recreational marijuana when we were in high school together, but I had not smoked at all since I was in school. I barely smoked recreational marijuana at all during college due to the fact that I was on the baseball team. If I would have gotten in trouble for marijuana, I would have risked losing my scholarship. Now that I am an adult with a career and an apartment and a car of my own, I can do whatever I want even if that means using recreational marijuana daily.

Medical marijuana flower

I couldn’t believe how many cannabis products there were at the store

There are lots of different cannabis products out on the market today.

I can’t believe how many different ones are out there, because when I first started using cannabis, there was barely anything available.

Back when I first started to use cannabis years ago, there was hardly anything out there at all except for cannabis brownies. In other words, it was some really old fashioned stuff! I still have to pinch myself these days whenever I go to the cannabis store because I never cease to be amazed at all of the different things that they have in there on their shelves. Of course, recreational cannabis and medical cannabis is a really big business these days. There are cannabis shops popping up on every corner now and it’s a lot different than it was back in the old days when I was growing up. Back then you either used plain old cannabis to smoke or you used nothing at all. Now, you can get all kinds of things! I have tried cannabis tropicals, cannabis gummies, cannabis candies, and anything else that you have ever heard of. Things have definitely changed for the better in my opinion. Now whenever I go to a cannabis store, there is never a shortage of products that I want to purchase. I even found out that I love cannabis drinks and cannabis topicals. With all of those things to choose from now, you just can’t go wrong. There is always something for everyone in cannabis stores today. It’s nice that there are so many different options now.



More about cannabis

I was surprised at the things I found at the cannabis store

I guess it is true that you just never know what you might find when you go shopping these days.

Just the other day, I went shopping to see if I could find some new cannabis products.

There are a whole lot of different kinds of cannabis products on the market today. There are so many, In fact, that it can really just make your head spin. Back when I used to just buy medical cannabis years ago, there were not really all that many things for me to choose from. However, these days, there are tons of different kinds of cannabis products to choose from. The cannabis store that I went to has both recreational cannabis and medical cannabis. There are so many kinds of cannabis products that they have on the shelves that it is just amazing to me. Also, there are different kinds of cannabis products for different kinds of effects on the body. With different kinds of cannabis, you can experience different kinds of things like physical relaxation or mental relaxation. Some of them have more THC than others while some of them have more CBD than others. I like to buy all kinds of different cannabis products, but my favorite ones are usually in cannabis gummies. I like to try different kinds of recreational cannabis products, and it’s a good thing because there are new kinds popping up all over the place. However, it’s really nice to know that all I have to do to find something new is go shopping. I am always surprised at the things I find at the cannabis store.


Read more about cannabis

My wife Ann really loves using cannabis products

It sounds funny to say this out loud, but my wife Anne really loves to use all kinds of cannabis products.

She started out just using cannabis products for medicinal purposes, but now she uses them for recreational purposes too.

Sometimes, she asks me if I will drive her to our local cannabis store here in town. She really loves to try out all kinds of different cannabis products, and so she wants to be there whenever they get their new shipments in. Our favorite cannabis store usually gets new product shipments once a week, and Ann always wants to be there when they arrive at the store. I guess it’s because something new is always showing up on their cannabis product menu and Ann always wants to be the first one to try it out. Even though she usually likes her cannabis gummies the most, she’s always willing to try out any other kind of medical or recreational cannabis product that comes into the store. Our favorite cannabis store also has cannabis dispensary events once in a while and Ann always wants to go to those too. She has invited me to go to them with her before, but I’m not really interested in that kind of thing. I let her go and learn everything and then she just tells me about it . I don’t use cannabis at all, but I am happy that Ann has found something that helps her with her mood and her anxiety. Since cannabis products are pretty expensive, I just let her spend her money on what she wants to. I like to spend my money on cars, so it’s totally fine with me.



A long time ago, Billy opened up a cannabis store

A long time ago, whenever everyone was still not really sure that cannabis was going to become a big business in our country, my friend Billy decided that he wanted to jump on the cannabis bandwagon, so to speak.

Billy knew a long time ago that he wanted to open up a cannabis store.

He went through all of the different kinds of training and government obstacles that he had to go through in order to get everything up and running. Billy is a really great businessman. At this point, his cannabis store is really doing great. Billy used to only be able to sell medical cannabis, But now he is selling recreational cannabis and medical cannabis at his store. Back when he opened up the cannabis store many years ago, things were very different here. Lots of people were against having a cannabis store in the community, even though back then it was for medical cannabis. These days though, lots of things have changed around here. I think public opinion has really shifted since back then. That seems to be how it is around here where we live anyway. It’s probably not the same everywhere, but in our town it seems like people are really happy that Billy has his cannabis store here. Hopefully, more people out there are beginning to realize just how important cannabis is to those of us who have to deal with things like constant anxiety and chronic pain on a regular basis. The cannabis store that Billy owns brings lots of traffic into town and tourist dollars, too. I know that he is a huge benefit to the economy around here.

More about marijuana

Going to another state for legal cannabis

I am so glad I live near the state border, then the locale where I was born and raised, where I live to this very afternoon, still considers marijuana an illegal controlled substance, and all around the country weed is becoming legal, however not here! One afternoon soon my friend and I will vote these idiots out of office and open up new possibilities for the citizens! For now, I have no option however to drive across the state line and spend my cash there.

This is only about a 45 minute drive, which makes it pretty convenient; It would be a lot more convenient if I had a cannabis dispensary in town, however I’m trying to stay positive and make the best of a exhausting situation; Since I have to drive all that way, I usually buy an excess amount of cannabis to hold me over for a week or two.

The only reason I entirely hate this task is because if I get pulled over I could go to jail for cannabis possession, then even though I legally bought the marijuana with my own cash, if I run into the cops on the wrong side of the state line I could get in trouble. The federal government needs to finally drop all cannabis laws, and get them off the books. America is property of the free & land of the brave, and there is no fair reason anyone can tell me why cannabis is illegal. If I had a green thumb I would start growing my own cannabis plants and save myself a lot of driving.

cannabis budtenders