My wife Ann really loves using cannabis products

It sounds funny to say this out loud, but my wife Anne really loves to use all kinds of cannabis products.

She started out just using cannabis products for medicinal purposes, but now she uses them for recreational purposes too.

Sometimes, she asks me if I will drive her to our local cannabis store here in town. She really loves to try out all kinds of different cannabis products, and so she wants to be there whenever they get their new shipments in. Our favorite cannabis store usually gets new product shipments once a week, and Ann always wants to be there when they arrive at the store. I guess it’s because something new is always showing up on their cannabis product menu and Ann always wants to be the first one to try it out. Even though she usually likes her cannabis gummies the most, she’s always willing to try out any other kind of medical or recreational cannabis product that comes into the store. Our favorite cannabis store also has cannabis dispensary events once in a while and Ann always wants to go to those too. She has invited me to go to them with her before, but I’m not really interested in that kind of thing. I let her go and learn everything and then she just tells me about it . I don’t use cannabis at all, but I am happy that Ann has found something that helps her with her mood and her anxiety. Since cannabis products are pretty expensive, I just let her spend her money on what she wants to. I like to spend my money on cars, so it’s totally fine with me.

