You have to be extremely careful if you dose THC in certain cannabis edibles

You should always be especially careful when you’re trying brand new medications.

If it’s something that could supply you with an uncomfortable side effect, it might be a great move to take a tiny dose the truly first time.

I’ll never forget the day when I saw a psychiatrist for the first time ever after failing to keep my anxieties under control and having a difficult time functioning through my tied up workdays. I didn’t go to the psychiatrist to seek medication, it was merely the first step the therapy center told me to take before picking out what kind of in person therapy would be best for me with whatever my identifiable needs happened to be. Instead of giving me a benzodiazepine, he told me to try this drug referred to as Buspar. I was told that it wasn’t as powerful as something like xanax and a great deal safer, but that was not actually true. I took it before going into work one day and started feeling terribly intoxicated towards the end of my motorcar ride on the way to the office. It was absolutely terrifying because I thought I was going to have to pull the motorcar off the road. Moments later I noticed the sign for the side street that heads straight to my office and I was so thankful. By supper the Buspar pill had entirely worn off and I figured I would never take the medication again. The same thing happened when I got a medical marijuana card and started taking cannabis edibles for extreme anxiety. Nobody actually told me about how much THC I should take at once and I ended up eating 100mg of THC without truly realizing how absurdly crazy that is for a first timer. It was numerous hours of a horrible nightmare that ended with me passing out on my couch.



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