You have to be careful with dosing THC in certain cannabis edibles

You should always be careful when you’re trying current medications.

If it’s something that could potentially supply you a drawback side effect, it might be a smart move to take a small dose the first time.

I’ll truly never forget the day when I saw a psychiatrist for the first time ever after failing to keep my overwhelming anxieties under control plus struggling to function through my busy days at work. I didn’t go to the psychiatrist to find medication, it was simply the first step the therapy center told me to take before figuring out what kind of in person therapy would be best for me with whatever my particular needs might be. Instead of giving me a benzodiazepine, he had me take this drug called Buspar. He explained that it wasn’t as strong as xanax plus much safer, however that was not really the truth. I took it before heading over to my job one day plus started feeling uncomfortably intoxicated towards the end of my vehicle ride on the way to the office. It was totally spine-chilling because I thought I was going to have to pull the vehicle off the road. Moments later I saw the sign for the side street that leads to my office plus I breathed a massive sigh of relief. By supper the Buspar pill had worn off plus I made the choice to never take the medication again. The same thing happened when I got a medical marijuana card plus started taking cannabis edibles for my brutal anxiety. No one told me about how much THC you are supposed to take plus I ended up eating 100mg of THC without even knowing how extremely high that is for a first timer like me. It was a number of hours of a spine-chilling nightmare that ended with me passing out on our couch until the upcoming day.

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