Using topicals for daily aches and pains

For daily aches and pains there are a lot of things you can do.

Some people advocate stretching or going to a massage therapist to loosen those muscles.

You can also use heating pads, icy hot and take anti-inflammatory pills. A lot of people now are turning to cannabis to treat chronic pain. You can smoke to get the cannabinoids into your system to reduce inflammation and pain. Most people with injuries tend to turn to topicals though. Not everyone wants to get high, especially those with injuries. A topical is any lotion, cream of salve with CBD infused in it. There are even patches that a person can put on their skin that also has THC in it. The THC then gets into the blood through the patch and can make a person high. Typically when a customer turns to a topical, they just want the relief. The topical usually has peppermint or some other cooling formula to soothe the muscles as well. This means that most topicals smell quite pleasant. It is a better, more intense form of icy hot in my opinion. I love using topicals since I am an athlete that deals with daily pain. I stock up on different creams that I use daily. I have one for at night and one in the morning. I like changing up what smells I get and how strong of a topical I use. I don’t feel like I am using a cannabis product either. I don’t get high, mellow or have the muchines. It simply is meant to soothe the aches and help me throughout the day.


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