Trip out west become cannabis dispensary tour

My wife and I have always enjoyed recreational marijuana so it sort of puzzles us why it took us this long to make cannabis the focus of a vacation. We both work really hard and built a nice life for ourselves. Our kids are basically raised. The youngest has another year or so left to finish his undergraduate degree. But essentially, we are empty nesters now. So this last vacation, we went west and made local cannabis spots the focus of our trip. That vacation was as much fun to plan as it was to partake in actually. We had so much fun looking up the cannabis dispensaries that were near the sites we wanted to visit. Plus, we found some bus tours we could incorporate into the experience. That meant we didn’t have to hassle with renting a car. I was a bit resistant to the tour thing. But visiting a cool winery just down the block from an even cooler cannabis grower sort of changed my mind. It really was such a magical trip. And we found some hybrid strains for sale that we’d never even heard of much less had tried. Yet, it was making all the great friends that was really the surprise for me. But then again some great wine tasting followed by a wonderful selection of cannabis products at a nearby cannabis dispensary can lead to fun. We were so into this other couple who were experiencing much the same phase of life as we were. In fact, we are planning another cannabis trip with that couple for later in the year. We don’t live all that far from each other and will shift our local cannabis tour to a state a bit closer this time.

medical marijuana