Traveling and trying out the recreational cannabis dispensary

My husband and I travel a lot.

It is fun trying out new locations and learning about them.

We used to do a lot of overseas traveling. It got old though. It was difficult when no one spoke English and the culture was so different. Eventually we agreed to stick within the United States. That way we knew the language, culture, rules, food and customs. It was also a lot cheaper as well. Our goal is to hit all 50 states. We are doing pretty good so far. I never realized the beauty in the other states. There are some amazing hikes and natural landscapes in our country. There are great restaurants and fun things to do. One thing I really enjoy is the west coast weather and beaches. I also like it when I find a state that has a bit more lax of laws. A recreational cannabis state is always a favorite for my husband and I. We are weed smokers through and through. On our trips we like to find a good recreational cannabis dispensary and partake in their products. I prefer to try different types of edibles. I don’t just want baked goods. I want to experience candies, chocolates, gums, mints and tablets. My husband sticks to vaping cannabis oil. He has tried tons of fun strains like Girl Scout Cookies and Purple Haze. It always makes our day more fun when we get a bit high and then shop in the state we are in. It is one of my favorite things. We have been to a lot of cool weed shops.
