They’re actually very highly educated

When I was in school, our roommate was a dedicated calculus student while I was taking humanities classes.

  • All of us got actually along really well despite our differing academic interests, for one reason because the two of us both listened to a lot of the same 90s alternative rock bands.

Since I obviously brought our beatbox with myself and others to school our first year, the two of us very often blasted songs whenever the two of us were both back at our room when we had finished for the afternoon. All of us also liked a lot of the same books, films, and generally TV shows. On top of that, the two of us ended up in the same group of students that lived in the residence hall on campus. One of the best things that the two of us all did together from the beginning of our first year was smoke cannabis on the upstairs balcony of our dormitory hall as often as possible. We’d all contribute a little bit of weed and whoever was the best roller would easily make a giant joint or blunt. Back then cannabis was still illegal in our entire state and the two of us were years away from getting cannabis dispensaries. Of course, despite this, I later found out that our roommate was switching to a botany degree because she wanted to become a cannabis grower. By the time the group of us finished undergraduate school, our state finally had legal medical marijuana. Whenever 1 of the first marijuana companies was hiring growers, our roommate got a task. Right now she’s the head of cultivation for 1 of our state’s biggest commercial marijuana producers.

Marijuana edibles