There are only a handful of odd vape products available at dispensaries

When I started to use cannabis about 20 years ago, all I had access to was cheap flower buds.

The two of us all either toked cannabis joints or used it to make edibles care about weed brownies and cannabis candy.

It took a long while for my friends and I to find a source that wasn’t nasty imported ditch weed from eastern Mexico that was always hard pressed and full of stems and seeds. You’d basically have to smoke a whole joint to get noticeable effects because it was such low quality cannabis. When every one of us made the weed brownies, we’d use at least a quarter of an ounce of the cheaper weed so the effects were quite nice. Getting medical marijuana from across the country was a game changer absolutely. Suddenly I was enjoying marijuana that I used to look at in magazines and marvel at its grandeur. Thankfully, my state now has a medical marijuana program after years of voters unsuccessfully trying to have the ballot initiative passed and put to a vote. One thing I dig about about medical cannabis is the fact that there are products available now that I could never seem to acquire back in the day. I am impressed by the numerous vape products that all of these medical cannabis dispensaries offer at varying prices. I ended up purchasing a few vaporizer cartridges that were filled with cannabis distillate oil. All you have to do is screw in the cartridge to a battery case that has a firing button on it to activate the atomizer in the vape cartridge. In an hour you have thick and delicious cannabis oil vapor filling your lungs. It’s a fast and simple way to get yourself medicated with cannabis, however the cartridges are not cheap. You can get twice as much distillate oil for the same price if you buy it in these glass syringes instead of pre-loaded cartridges.
cbd dispensary