The new dispensary should be pretty neat

Legalization of marijuana has easily been great for business.

Instead of having more competition, there is easily more demand.

It wasn’t a large surprise, because the town is certainly small, certainly remote, but there certainly isn’t competition out there. What bar has been legalized there were more than a few locals who wanted to try the drug. They were no longer fearful of being in trouble with local law enforcement. I have my own grow condo and an old barn and I had to scale up the production. Things changed when a cannabis dispensary in town started up. I lost out on a lot of effective purchasers for one single reason or another plus I had a lot of marijuana to myself. This was a huge swing in the business. I easily went from having not enough to far too much in just a short amount of time. I had to sell a lot of the marijuana inventory in a very short term. I scaled-down operation plus now I’ve been forced to look out for a real task. Marijuana legalization I thought was going to be the news for the front of my business, but it ended up being one of the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I lost a lot of business and money and I even almost lost my farm when things really took a turn for the worse. The marijuana industry isn’t ready for the small time town feeling that comes from having problems that stay in the area.



medical marijuana store