The hike was more fun because we were high

My friends and I like to go hiking on the weekends when we don’t have to work.

There are several trails in the area and lots of state and national parks.

My friends and I have already climbed 17 trails this year and it’s only the beginning of March. Last weekend we attempted one of the more difficult trails at the state park. The 9 mile trail isn’t a loop and it takes all day to complete. It has to be traversed very carefully, because there are many steep sections where the rocks can slide and move. I wanted to get high before we started the hike. I rolled up a king-sized marijuana joint and I added some kief as well. I smoked the entire joint before my friends showed up to pick me up for the hike. I was visibly high when my friends arrived and they got upset because I decided to smoke marijuana. They did not believe I was being safe since we had such a difficult hike plan for the day. They believed it was a terrible idea to get stoned, since we were going to be on a steep incline. I have to be honest about the day. The hike might have been a little more difficult because I was high, but not because it was difficult to focus. The whole time we were hiking, all I could think about was food. The marijuana joint gave me a bad case of the munchies and all I had to eat was a bag of dried fruit and water.


recreational weed