The customer complained about the online order

It’s hard to make everyone happy, but as a manager it’s my job to try.

I often have customers make complaints about their orders. I try my best to make the customer happy before they leave the marijuana dispensary. The complaints vary from day to day. Sometimes customers are more creative than others. A customer tried to tell me that half of the items from her order were missing. The customer had been to the dispensary earlier that day. She claimed that the bag was closed until she got home. All of our budtenders behind the counter have to go through the orders with the customer before they are packaged. We keep all of this on video tape. I asked the customer if she was certain that the items were missing from the bag. She insisted the items were not in the shopping bag. That’s when I told the customer that we would have a look at the cameras. She quickly made an excuse to go out to her car and I never saw her again. Today I had a similar problem with a customer, except it was an online order. The customer ordered three grams of concentrate and a half ounce of marijuana. The customer arrived to pick up the order and tried to tell us that there should have been a pre-roll in the bag as well. She claimed it was our problem for forgetting and wanted me to give her a pre-roll for free. I told the customer that it is not our policy to give away items for free under any circumstances. I offered to give her a small discount on the order instead.

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