Recovering more quickly thanks to the cannabis dispensary

I was just too close to a full on pain pill addiction. That’s just the truth of the matter and it scares me to the core. Thanks to the cannabis dispensary, I’m okay now. When I was discharged from the hospital after a terrible car accident, I came home with some prescriptions for pain meds. Of course, I’d heard of the opioid epidemic in our country but I really didn’t connect that with my situation. I was recovering from surgery to my back and that was part of it. Thankfully, I switched from those pain meds to sativa and indica strains to help manage pain and deal with my recovery. The pain pills just sort of crept up on me. I was taking more of them as they weren’t quite as effective after a week. Then I was taking pain meds just to get to physical therapy. It got worse from there until my wife got me to consider going to the local cannabis spot as she had researched medical marijuana. It was shown that both indica and sativa were instrumental in helping manage pain and help speed recovery. The indica strains for sale at the local cannabis spot help me with pain, inflammation, muscle spasm and range of motion. All of which is super helpful as I continue to build back my body through physical therapy. The sativa strains help me to relax, get motivated and stay positive as I continue to endure this challenge. I’ve had excellent results thus far. But perhaps the biggest benefit from medical marijuana is that I’m not currently dealing with an opioid addiction.
Medical cannabis