Pain relief is the reason for medical weed

Did you know the number one reason people get a medical cannabis card? People are turning to medical cannabis for chronic pain relief. The second reason is for nausea assistance after chemotherapy. The third is anxiety and stress relief. How odd, right? Before, I didn’t know that many people suffer from chronic pain. It makes sense that it would be the number one reason since it is so broad. Senior citizens can smoke or ingest medical marijuana to assist with arthritis pain. Athletes can use medical marijuana for joint pain. People who have been in accidents, overworked their bodies or going through a serious medical issue that results in pain, all can be helped with medical cannabis. Cannabis can reduce the amount and severity of inflammation. It can relax the muscles and the mind. Cannabis is easy to take in as well. Smoke it, eat it or put a cream on it. Medical marijuana is that easy and versatile. My mother suffers from arthritis and prefers to do a cannabis oil that she puts in her evening cup of tea. My brother is a professional football player and he uses a topical on injuries. I know of a lot of people that prefer to smoke over everything. If I ever got into an accident or just plain injured myself, I think I would go the edible route. I don’t like the idea of smoking or using a slimy cream. I like the idea of taking a few gummies and getting some help.

medical cannabis dispensary