Not what I expected at all

The 1st time I went into the cannabis dispensary, I was sort of in awe.

I don’t honestly know quite what I was expecting but it honestly was not what I found.

The cannabis dispensary was like a honestly nice retail store but it only sold cannabis products. And since I was there to purchase my first doses of medical marijuana, it was a good shock. Perhaps in my subconscious, I was thinking that at best this would be some sort of weed product farmers market inside. Or maybe I was expecting it to be less professional because of my incorrect ideas about people who used cannabis products. But I was instantly welcomed to the legal weed shop with happy faces and helpful staff looking to find the right cannabis products for me. This came about because I have a chronic pain issue due to a back surgery that just went horribly bad. And I had begun to overmedicate myself and not do the drills that were key to managing the pain as it is. I don’t know if I’ll ever not have some level of pain. But I do know that eating pill after pill was going to kill me eventually. My doc pulled me off the pills and got me into medical marijuana. The next thing I knew, I was getting good cannabis information from those helping me at the cannabis dispensary. They told me the cannabis products that proved best for my condition and provided advice on treatment times and dose. It’s just been a few weeks but I already feel so much better.

Medical marijuana