Needing a way to fly easier

When I got promoted at work I was extremely nervous. The new position required me to travel to different potential customers and give sales pitches. I am a very nervous flyer. I get where I can hardly sit still in the plane. I get sweaty, jumpy and taking pills only does so much. I thought I wouldn’t be able to handle all the traveling and not every location is driving accesibles. Before I told my boss no, I thankfully went to the marijuana dispensary near me for some help. I asked for a product that would mellow me out and allow me to fly easily. I didn’t want to be blazed out of my mind, smell like weed and not be able to give a presentation hours later. The budtender recommended to me to vape a cannabis oil. I have a legal medical marijuana prescription so I now can carry my vape state to sate without any hassle. The vape is very discrete though. It can be hidden under my shirt and be ready for me to puff whenever I want. While waiting for the airport transport I typically puff really hard trying to get as mellow as possible. If I don’t get the effects good enough, I find a smoking lounge to take a few more hits. By the time I am on the plane I am feeling really loose and good. My particular strain is heavy in CBD and low in THC. I don’t feel totally crazy and the high only lasts my plane ride. By the time I am on land again I feel quite normal. Vaping the marijuana also means the smell doesn’t linger on my clothing.
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