My wife takes a CBD tincture every morning before leaving for work

I feel bad that my wife works in healthcare, especially during a stressful pandemic that doesn’t seem like it’s ever going to abate.

Two years ago she was already leaving the house every morning stressed out for the day ahead of her, but this last year has been a living nightmare for her each time she suits up and heads to the hospital.

She wears a full face shield over two separate masks laid overtop one another. One is an N-95 mask with an exhalation valve, and on top of that she puts a normal surgical mask. The exhalation valve prevents her glasses from fogging up, but the surgical mask filters anything that she could be exhaling herself without realizing it. Some don’t realize that those exhalation valves only protect the person wearing the mask, but I was one of those people until my wife explained it to me. Aside from what she has to wear, she is also taking medications for her mental health. She takes an antidepressant SSRI every morning, as well as a strong CBD tincture that she puts under her tongue. By the time she gets to the parking garage at the hospital, her CBD tincture and her SSRI have both fully kicked in. The SSRI keeps her mind soothed for hours at a time while the CBD tinctures are great for breakthrough anxiety. She usually takes another few drops of CBD at lunch and again a few hours before the end of her shift. Without these CBD tinctures, she would be a lot more miserable everyday at her job in the hospital. I can’t imagine the stress of being in such a high risk work environment.

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