My MS symptoms improved greatly with medical marijuana treatment

Having a task, a home, a numerous year outdated plus a hubby is enough for just about anyone.

But for me, having MS makes that load even heavier.

However, I’ve been determined to live our life to the fullest in spite of the fact that I have MS. Yet, I’m not some masochist either. There are afternoons where that load gets too heavy plus I simply have to back off. These are the types of conditions that I have to accept with MS. But having access to a cannabis dispensary has been vital in managing our symptoms plus the life I’m trying to lead. The specialist I saw was particularly the first one to bring up treating our MS with medical cannabis. Both our hubby plus I smoked our fair share of weed back in university so that perked our ears up a bit. The process for how to get a medical marijuana card was not tough. It took a bit more than a month to process but that wasn’t so bad. And it was worth the wait because I was stunned by how immediate the medical marijuana benefits were for our condition. The cannabis flower products were super impactful when it came to our range of motion during our ever important stretching regimen. And the spasms I get sometimes during plus after stretching were nearly eliminated. Muscle stiffness has also been greatly reduced thanks to the cannabis flower products. Yet, I can’t discount the positive, hopeful plus motivated perspective I receive from cannabis products either. That may be the most important medical marijuana benefit.
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