My mom is not thrilled about me working at the cannabis shop

When my mom discovered that I lost my job at the factory, she was actually positive in addition to helpful with everything.

  • She told me not to agonize, because it was an opening to find something better… I was quite depressed in addition to it was tough to get out of bed.

I thought the world was basically going to end. I applied at the grocery store in addition to the carwash in addition to numerous restaurants. I also made the choice to place a resume online at one of those websites where people can contact you with jobs. I had one interview at the quick mart, however they were looking for somebody to work the evening shift in addition to I didn’t want to stay up all through the night in addition to sleep all afternoon. I got a call from a recruiter not so long ago, and the guy wanted me to fill out an online application for a job at a pot dispensary. I was really happy in addition to a little hesitant, because I thought it could potentially be a scam. I filled out the application, which was a link directly to the pot shop website. That made me feel less concerned. I got a call from the manager of the dispensary a couple of hours after I filled out my online application. She scheduled an interview for the upcoming day. I started working at the pot shop not especially long ago. My mom is undoubtedly unhappy about the new job. She acts as if I am a street drug dealer now. I tried to explain that cannabis is entirely legal, however she’s still not too happy with my new work choice.

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