My medical card allows me to grow marijuana plants

There are a lot of really nice perks when you have a medical marijuana card in a recreational marijuana state.

You can buy more marijuana at the dispensary. You can also save quite a bit of money on the taxes. I don’t pay excise or county taxes when I use my medical marijuana card. Because there are so many marijuana farms and there is easy access to the plant, only medical marijuana users are allowed to grow plants for personal use. If you get caught growing marijuana without a medical card, the fines and penalties are swift and harsh. I got my medical marijuana card, because one of my friends got busted growing pot plants. I didn’t want the same thing to happen to me and I had a couple of pretty big plants growing in the backyard. It didn’t cost very much money to get my State medical card and now I don’t have to worry about getting into trouble with the law. I’m not doing anything illegal as long as I don’t grow more than eight plants at a time. Eight plants is a lot, especially if you really know what you are doing. Those plants would grow to be six or eight feet tall and that type of harvest would easily yield several pounds of marijuana. It would probably go bad before one person had the opportunity to smoke it all. I grow four plants at a time. I keep them monitored very closely for humidity, temperature, and sunlight. The plants need a lot of tender loving care to grow healthy and strong.



cannabis benefits