My friend was qualified for it
My friend recently got his medical marijuana card, however the guy was qualified for medical marijuana, because he suffers from ptsd, then he has honestly disappointing PTSD actually.
The guy watched his parents get murdered when he was five. He will never stop thinking about those images in his head for us long as he lives, and i feel honestly disappointing for the guy, because he grew up in foster care & he had to watch his parents die that way… When Jack was qualified for medical cannabis, I was pretty excited. I thought my friend would have some weed that he could sell to me for a cheap price… Unluckyly, the price for medical marijuana in this state & county is honestly high. There is honestly no room for my friend to buy something for me & then resell it. The prices are outrageously high. My friend has to pay about $50 for an seventh of medical marijuana. There are locations in this country where recreational marijuana is only around $10 for an seventh. I told my friend that he said transfer to a state where recreational marijuana is legal so he can save some currency, but there is no way that he is going to leave this area. My friend and I grew up here & it’s home. His parents are here & his husbandy is a professor at the college. He’s going to be stuck here for the rest of his life. His only hope is that marijuana will be legalized eventually. Until then, the guy is forced to pay deranged high prices for medical marijuana.