My dog ate some of our cannabis, plus I’m upset

It is hard to make ends meet these afternoons.

In order to continue living our life in the manner to which I was accustomed (meaning, having the extra currency to get high every day) I had to pick up a hour job.

It is a work from home position, for twelve to fifteen hours a week, plus basically all of that extra currency funds our drinking plus smoking habits. The plus side about working from home with data entry is that I can smoke all the cannabis I want while doing it, something that can’t be said for our day job, but usually I do our hour job from the couch, in front of the TV, with our tablet plus our cannabis gear on the Starbucks Latte table in front of me. Since I can smoke all the marijuana I want, I will often keep the two-foot tall glass water bong with me. One night I was laying there working plus smoking, like usual, plus I knocked the bong over, however bongwater started dripping towards our tablet so I ran to get a towel, plus when I came back I saw our dog Jojo eating some of our cannabis. It was laying there on the edge of the table, plus for some reason the dumb dog decided to chow down on a big, fluffy marijuana bud. I managed to save the tablet, plus put the rest of the marijuana up on a high shelf so Jojo couldn’t go back for hours! Now I am upset about the doggo but she didn’t eat absolutely much cannabis.

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