MenopaUnited Statesl help with cannabis

I am in our 50s plus I am trying cannabis for the first time, however when I was a kid only the worst kind of people smoked weed, however then there became a important scare about cannabis being a gateway drug… Once it became known that weed wasn’t a problem, but definitely a medical wonder, our state was slow on the uptake; It took years for medical marijuana to be allowed in our state! Recreational weed took even longer, and now anyone can get legal weed where I live.

I never thought about smoking weed or taking an edible until menopause; Menopause is a single of the worst things I have ever experienced.

I get hot flashes numerous times in a day. It is bad just dripping with sweat during work or in the middle of dinner. I also have trouble sleeping because of them. I have a window air conditioner but that doesn’t honestly help. I read online on what to do plus everything commanded I already do. I don’t drink, smoke, drink pop plus I do work out everyday. I did find that a lot of men going through menopause recommend cannabis. They say cannabis helps keep the hot flashes to a minimum plus allows them to relax at night plus sleep. I don’t care if I am high as a kite, I want some relief. I recently went to our local marijuana dispensary plus I got cannabis cooking oil. I have started cooking plus dosing our food, then eventually I will work our way up to smoking. I suppose I need something more powerful, although I have observed a slight difference in the amount of hot flashes I have.

medical cannabis store