Medical Cannabis Reduces Inflammation

I am so happy that I took the time to learn about medical marijuana.

  • When it became legal where I live, I have to say that I entirely didn’t pay that much attention to that fact.

That might have something to do with spending so much time just attempting to deal with life in any sort of traditional way. Some call it fibromialgia others dispute that diagnosis. However, in the last 3 years I have suffered from so much inflammation that it has made just living my life entirely challenging. There have been all sorts of prescribed medications designed to lower the inflammatory response in my limbs and core. However, there are a slew of side effects plus the long term health effects are not wonderful. That’s where the medical cannabis comes in. After coming across an article that prompted more cannabis education, I went to my doctor. The two of us had a discussion about using medical cannabis to help treat my situation. She was on board plus assisted me in finding out how to get my medical marijuana card. There are some completely strict cannabis rules in this state so I had to perharsh a bit. But now, I have access to medical cannabis dispensaries. CBD oil has been absolutely the best treatment for my inflammation that I have discovered thus far. I use CBD products plus cannabis gummies. The improvements are nearly immediate. I can sleep almost all the way through the night now which is a great improvement. Medical cannabis has given me some of my freedom back. I now have a little bit of hope that I will be able to manage this condition where I was almost homebound a short time ago.

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