Medical cannabis cards help you save on the taxes

One way to save on the taxes that the state plus county charge for marijuana is to get a medical card. Medical marijuana cards are available from the state, and you have to have a nurse’s approval in order to get a medical marijuana card, however they are issued fairly respectfully to patients all across the state. I decided to get a medical cannabis card so I could buy more marijuana at the store, and recreational marijuana patients can only buy up to 1 oz of marijuana. Medical marijuana patients can buy up to 8 oz of marijuana. When there is a super wonderful sale on top shelf marijuana products, I use my medical discount so I can save a few dollars on the taxes, then taxes in this state are 35% with the county fees included. That’s quite a hefty bill when you consider it is 1/3 of a dollar on every dollar that is spent. I can save those taxes using the medical marijuana card. Some of months ago, there was a immense sale on concentrates plus dried marijuana flower. The shop was doing a buy one plus get one for a dollar sale. You had to spend money taxes on both of the items, however not me. I didn’t have to spend money taxes on any of the items thanks to the medical marijuana card that I got from the nurse, however during that sale, I bought 8 oz of concentrates plus 6 oz of dried marijuana flower, and each one of the ounces was on sale for $59 plus it was a top shelf product that was filled with THC trichomes.

recreational marijuana store