Marijuana grow box technology has seriously improved since I was in school

When I was in school, finding marijuana wasn’t that hard for me.

  • This was almost 10 years before medical marijuana became legal in our state, plus it wasn’t consistently easy to find cannabis unless you knew someone who knew a dealer.

It wasn’t consistently safe either, with meetings often occurring in sketchy parking lots or in back alleys after midnight. I’ll never forget a trip I made with an associate of mine to a random condo complex at 2am to get a big quantity of weed out associate was intending on selling oncampus at school. I just wanted a small portion for personal use plus for whatever reason I volunteered to accompany him. It was horrifying, as I had no plan every one of us were meeting 2 gang members who honestly could have robbed us blind. Thankfully that didn’t happen, but nearly every one of us did get shorted by a big quantity. After that, our associate decided he’d try to grow cannabis in his dorm room. He found a grow box off the internet that used a big desktop laptop enclosure for discreteness. It was fairly rudimentary compared to the grow boxes you can buy these days. Marijuana is no longer this sketchy drug you buy from gang members in back alleys or some parking lots. Marijuana is legally grown by 2 dozen unusual companies throughout our state. Even nationwide there are more states that grow some form of legal cannabis than there are that don’t. I’m ecstatic to see that technology for farming pot for personal use has improved vastly. I don’t have any plans to grow marijuana any time soon, however it’s nice to suppose the equipment is easy to obtain if I will change my mind.

Marjuana farming