Life balance comes with medical marijuana use

Life sort of got the better of myself and others over the past couple of decades.

Where I was once a relatively ecstatic guy with lots of positive creativity, I was now just grinding through life.

It was like all our life was about was making sure the different tasks were serviced off. Honestly, it just got on top of myself and others plus I started freaking out with panic attacks plus stuff like that. Prior to using medical cannabis, I went the prescription route. It wasn’t what I was looking for. While I was maybe calmer, I wasn’t myself plus I felt as though I was still just dragging myself through life. Finally, with our partner’s help, I got to medical cannabis as a component of a new, more holistic lifestyle. And it worked. It’s actually amazing to have gone through this situation with our best friend. She too has greatly benefited from this wholesale change. Not only did the two of us figure out how to get a medical marijuana card, the two of us changed how the two of us lived our life. My partner plus I put limits on stuff like work plus other responsibilities plus built in time for ourselves. It felt selfish at first, but the medical cannabis actually helped myself and others stay committed to the idea. Plus, cannabis flower products were a good help with staying committed to the diet swings plus the exercise commitments. Without the access to a medical marijuana dispensary, I suppose that I would not have had near the success rate I have had in finding life balance.

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