Judged for using cannabis

I absolutely got into a heated fight with our old friend Connie the other afternoon.

Both of us have known each other for several years, going back before high school even, as well as every one of us have always been fairly close.

Since he had his baby last year he has changed a lot, becoming a single of those helicopter parents that gets mad about social trends because of “what it might do to the baby.” I have numerous kids, was a single mom for most of that time, so I think what it’s love to raise kids. She was so judgmental in condemning parents who smoked cannabis, that I couldn’t hold it back as well as I let his have it. I asked his to clarify, as well as he said that yes indeed, he believed any parents who smoked cannabis were unfit parents. Then I told his that I smoked cannabis, as well as I had been smoking it every afternoon since high school (except for when I was pregnant, of course). She was completely shocked by this news, but I was honestly often high when I saw her, he just never viewed myself and others as the type of guy who smokes cannabis. I pressed her, asking his to tell myself and others what “type” of guy is a cannabis user, as well as saying that perhaps his prejudices were seasoned as well as wrong. I don’t smoke marijuana around our kids ,I don’t take them to the cannabis dispensary with me, I don’t encourage them to try it. But after hours, when I am alone I smokes tons of cannabis, as well as he could either love it or see herself out!

OG kush