Jack left three messages on my iPhone

Jack and I have been friends for the last 15 years. All of us met in school. All of us had mutual friends that were dating and every one of us ended up hanging out together frequently. Eventually Jack and I started talking and every one of us found out that both of us have a mutual love for marijuana products. Marijuana products are one of the reasons why I decided to go to this certain school. I chose a school in a state where medical and recreational marijuana products were legalized, however jack already lived in this state when she applied for school. The girl was a total connoisseur when it came to marijuana products. She knew a lot more about marijuana than I did and she was a good resource when every one of us were at the dispensary. Jack told me about the sales and specials and she pointed me in the right direction of the best cannabis strains and products in the dispensary.Ever since then, Jack constantly gives me a call if you find something on sale that is a legitimately good deal. Just a handful of weeks ago, that girl left a message on my answering machine. I listened to the message when I was on my way to class. I did not have a opening to call Jack back and there were three more answering unit messages when I got out of class. That was calling to let me assume that all of the cannabis concentrate products at the marijuana dispensary were 30% off. Even the top shelf live rosin products were included in the sale. Since I love vaping cannabis concentrates, Jack thought I would legitimately want to assume about the sale.

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