It was a family owned cannabis dispensary.

Ever since I was in high school, I always worried about the hometown people.

I always tried to convince people that they should only buy local.

It seemed wrong to buy from large stores like walmart when you had locals growing the same vegetables and fruits. It may have been cheaper in the store, but you knew the people you were buying from and you were supporting your hometown. That had to mean something for these people. When cannabis dispensaries began opening in our area, I was upset. They were taking jobs away from people who were working hard to keep their families fed and sheltered. I knew several local marijuana distributors in our area, and I was sure it was their families that were going to suffer with the onset of legal cannabis dispensaries. By buying your cannabis in the cannabis dispensary, you were putting these young entrepreneurs out of business. I was really upset. I understand that by going to the cannabis dispensary you were getting your marijuana legally, but that didn’t change the way I felt about putting people out of business. I went downtown and talked to a couple of the independent marijuana distributors. I told them that with their knowledge of marijuana and other products, they would be perfect for getting a job in the cannabis dispensary. I don’t know if they’ll take my advice and get a job. I’m sure they are making a lot more money selling marijuana than working in a cannabis dispensary, but at least they’ll be doing what they like legally.

New marijuana products