I wish I had more patience.

I have been dealing with anxiety ever since I was a kid.

Once I got old enough to go to a doctor about the anxiety, medical marijuana had been legalized.

My psychologist gave me a prescription for medical marijuana. I have been using the same marijuana dispensary for quite some time now. I received an email that offered a 20% discount of all marijuana products in the new marijuana dispensary that had just been opened in our area. I only get paid once a month, so once I paid all my bills for the month, I would go to the cannabis dispensary and pick up my marijuana products. I was able to get everything I wanted and I saved some money. It was less than a week later when I got an email from my regular marijuana dispensary. I was ready to kick myself for not having patience. I would have realized that it was the month of April. Anyone who has anything to do with marijuana knows about 420. April 20th is a day when potheads celebrate marijuana. My regular marijuana dispensary was offering a 42% discount on everything in their store, in honor of 420. I looked at the discount knowing it was twice the savings I had already gotten. I couldn’t believe that my trying to save money by going to a different marijuana dispensary, cost me money. I could have used that 20% discount the following month and saved 42% this month, if I had just waited a couple more days. My lack of patience and need to spend money, cost me a lot of money.

Medical marijuana