I was no good at growing marijuana plants

I never considered myself to be very handy, but necessity is the mother of invention they say. I had a ton of free time on my hands after I got laid off, and was still quarantined at home thanks to this stupid pandemic. I started researching how to make my own grow room at home, in such a way that my neighbors would not notice. It was readily apparent that building a proper grow room was a complex affair, requiring a lot of work and a lot of tools. I started looking up the search term “grow rooms for dummies” for a more low-skill way to start growing my own cannabis plants in my garage. What I end up with were a few buckets, that contained a starter kit for home cannabis growth. They said the buckets contained everything I needed, from the marijuana seeds, the soil, a grow light, and a manual to step me through the process. I felt like this was a sure thing, but two months later my cannabis plants still look like crap. I don’t know if the buckets were bad, or if I am just so helpless with plants that I can’t even grow marijuana, which is technically a weed that can grow almost anywhere. After a while I just gave up and started looking for online cannabis dispensaries that would ship me cannabis products without me having to go there. I need to keep my cannabis supply strong, and since growing my own proved to be a bust, I need a steady supplier.
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