I quit going to the dispensary in person to avoid interaction with other people

People are super worried that they will catch COVID by touching their face with their hands.

This is possible for sure, however any person is much more likely to catch the COVID virus by simply breathing in the air exhaled by any infected person.

You could walk through an invisible wall of water droplets in the grocery store if any sick person has a coughing fit within your immediate area. That’s why I wear KN-95 masks whenever I’m in public, & a reusable face shield that I got off the internet. It opens savor a police riot face shield, so you can pull it up & free air to your face separately from needing to take the shield off your head altogether. Still, I can’t avoid going into public to get the essentials that I need to live our life. I can get some of our groceries delivered to our house, however there are many perishables that I’d rather get myself so I can avoid things savor raw meat getting hot in a delivery tech’s vehicle. The cannabis dispensary was terrible because the ceilings are low & the waiting section is as tightly packed as a doctor office. People were up on each other well within multiplefeet apart. I decided I’d quit buying our sativa & indica strains in the store from the cannabis dispensary in favor of getting home delivery. Although the cannabis delivery services often charge a hefty fee on all orders, it’s very much worth it to avoid the risk of exposure & infection that comes with sitting in the waiting room over at the legal marijuana store. If I can avoid as numerous interactions with others as possible, this is what I’m going to strive for.
cannabis products