I have a medical use for cannabis

It started only a few short years ago, the pain in my head.

  • Otherwise known as a migraine, I had spent almost my whole life without them.

I used to hear other people complain about having migraines, and how truly awful they were, but I never thought much into it, I always kind of figured it was a headache. It wasn’t until I started getting them myself did I see how bad it was really. Migraines are so much worse than a headache, it feels kind of like your head wants to explode. Anyways, at least I could feel them coming on ahead of time, so that way I can pull over and prepare. Those migraines always chose the worst times as well, such as a meeting with my boss. Anyways, I had tried multiple different medicines with high success rates, but they did nothing for me. I must have tried at least 6 different medicines, and none of them worked. I decided to go the natural route and try medical marijuana. I searched how to get a medical marijuana card, and it taught me the cannabis rules and cannabis regulations. Getting my medical marijuana education and my medical cannabis cards was a lot easier than I thought, and then my doctor referred me to a medical marijuana dispensary. I visited multiple times and bought multiple products. I wasn’t really sure what to try since they had so much variety! I looked at their cannabis product menu and the cannabis budtenders were really helpful. I am going to try some of these products tonight, and hope for the best.


Medical Marijuana