I do not want to fire the employee

About multiple months ago, I took over as the manager of the marijuana dispensary.

  • I worked as the assistant manager for 18 months before I was finally promoted to a management position.

I absolutely took the task seriously after I was promoted. I mostly deal with the employees and their concerns. The marijuana dispensary can run itself. All of us have plenty of advertising and foot traffic. I never have to worry about sales. I do have to worry about the employees and that’s where things can get a little tricky. Each month I write a schedule for each a single of the employees. I have tried to give all the people off the afternoons that they request. Occasionally it is more difficult than others, especially while in the holiday season. The marijuana dispensary does not close for any holidays. All of us are open 365 afternoons out of the year for business. One of my employees requested New Year’s Eve off. The guy had only been an employee for a couple of months and I could not give him the holiday. I had multiple other employees that wanted the afternoon off and several of those people have been with me for years and years. When I told the new guy that he could not have the night off, he looked unquestionably miserable and upset. When he called to say he was too sick to come to work, I knew that was a lie. The guy didn’t sound sick at all. I absolutely didn’t want to fire the new employee, but nobody has the right to make their own schedule.
medical marijuana rules