I caught my uncle Dan with cannabis

True to his word, Dan bought three odd strains of medical cannabis and packed up a few bowls for the two of us to share

To his credit, my great uncle Dan never lied to me about what he was doing. He was a quiet man, but when Dan spoke, he only spoke the truth. When I was 10 years old I caught Dan out in our backyard smoking a joint. I didn’t know what the joint was, just that it didn’t stink like normal cigarettes, then Dan was totally even-handed with me, and said he was smoking marijuana. I had been told about the evils of weed in school, and asked Dan if he was splitting the law. I’ll never forget that Dan said “yeah, medical marijuana is illegal at the moment, but that will change. This is a plant, and it makes me feel good. When you get a few years older, you and I can smoke medical marijuana together; Until then, it will be our secret.” I kept his secret, and never mentioned to anyone else that Dan liked smoking medical marijuana however he didn’t have a prescription. Three years later the state laws changed, and quickly Dan could go to the cannabis dispensary like anyone else. At this point it was no longer a secret, because Dan was no longer splitting the law. True to his word, Dan bought three odd strains of medical cannabis and packed up a few bowls for the two of us to share. This was a real bonding moment between the two of us, even though I had already smoked medical cannabis with my friends, I didn’t tell Dan that. It was our 1st time smoking medical cannabis together, but it genuinely would not be the last.

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