I am thankful to have access to a cannabis dispensary that offers delivery

I play on a semi-pro hockey team and experience my share of aches, pains, bruises and injury.

  • I am cautious about the category of medicine I’m willing to take.

In most cases, the long-term side-effects aren’t worth the momentary relief. After a lot of research and taking suggestions from teammates, I got interested in the benefits of CBD. I found that there’s an expanding line of CBD topicals available on the market, then the skin is the greatest organ and contains the highest concentration of CB2 receptors. Those receptors transfer messages to the muscles and brain, influencing pain perception, range of motion, comfort and even mood, then cannabidiol (CBD) is known for effectively treating chronic pain and inflammation. It has a high rate of permeability and studies have shown that it helps to balance cytokines, which trigger the body’s inflammatory reaction. Cannabidiol is non-intoxicating. The full-spectrum topicals are minimally refined, meaning that the extraction method leaves behind the best parts of the plant, including the natural cannabinoids and terpenes. I’m able to apply the topicals directly to the injured or sore part for localized relief. I am especially thankful to have access to a local cannabis dispensary that provides delivery. Between practices, individual training sessions and traveling for games, I don’t have a lot of time. I’m able to go online, site an order and have CBD salves and ointments delivered right to my door. The process is simple, quick and convenient. The dispensary provides same-day delivery, so I never worry about running out of the CBD products that I need.