Hemp products sometimes contain trace amounts of THC below 0.3%

Some might have confusion when it comes to THC and hemp products.

Obviously hemp can only receive that legal distinction from cannabis if it has less than 0.3% per dry weight of delta-9 THC in it. You can purchase high quality hemp flower buds from a grower in Oregon that is totally legal to purchase, possess, and consume, but it could still theoretically throw off a drug test. There isn’t really any research out there regarding the exact amount of THC that is needed to fail a drug test, so the trace amounts in some hemp products could be a cause for concern. We already know it has happened in the past. There was a government employee in Texas a few years ago who was taking a full spectrum CBD product for pain and ended up getting fired and lost his pension when he failed a random drug test at work. If you are at risk of losing a job or getting in trouble with your general physician, you shouldn’t use a full spectrum hemp product that could potentially contain trace amounts of CBD. Fortunately, you can purchase broad spectrum hemp or pure CBD isolate concentrates. If it only has CBD in it or CBD with CBG and CBC, you can be confident that you’ll never be at risk of inadvertently failing a drug test. I have a close friend who works as a government employee and he only buys pure CBD concentrates to use for pain medication. He gets the intense effects that he needs from the CBD without any worries of getting cannabinoids in his system that he’s not even aware of.


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