CBD is all the rage

A large amount of things have changed to federal laws in the past 40 years.

  • Some of the largest swings have been regarding the government’s view on drugs and drug laws.

On one end of the spectrum, pharmaceutical drugs that are controlled by the DEA appreciate opiates and benzodiazepines have been more heavily regulated than they ever have been before. Patients in serious and poor pain are more often than not turned away from physicians who have become bullish regarding what used to be widely accepted practices with prescribing pain medications. There was a large uptick in opiate abuse over the past decade, however few people guess that media portrayals have obfuscated a couple of important facts. Increases in addiction rates have been related to illegal opiate abuse more than legal opiate prescriptions given by licensed physicians. To break it down, the numbers are lumped together, which makes it even harder for pain patients to get the medications they desperately need for a minimal quality of life. While these medicines have seen crackdowns, the federal government has loosened its stance on marijuana use. They have allowed states to pass their own laws regarding medical and recreational marijuana. They also made CBD legal nationwide, as long as it is being extracted by hemp plants. The main thing that a strain of cannabis needs to retain hemp status is having THC levels below 0.3%. This hemp flower looks identical to high THC marijuana, however it is 100% legal in all 50 states. My town is home to a large hemp cultivation and extraction facility that has its own CBD extraction lab inside. They sell their CBD products on the internet to sites all over the country.


Marijuana cultivation