Cannabis helps me to fly easier

When I got a promotion at work, I was really nervous.

The new title required me to travel to meet with potential customers and put on sales pitches. I am an especially poor flyer. I get so stressed that I can barely stand to sit on the plane. I start to get sweaty, jumpy and taking medication only helps so much. I began to think I wouldn’t be able to tolerate all the flying but not every location is driving distance. I debated telling my boss no. Thankfully, I made a trip to the marijuana dispensary and asked for some help. I looked for a product that would relax me and help me be able to fly comfortably. I didn’t want to be impaired in any way, reek of cannabis or not be able to put on an organized presentation hours later. The budtender suggested I vape cannabis oil. I acquired a legal medical marijuana prescription that allows me to carry my vape across state lines without any problems. The vape is wonderfully discrete. It can be concealed under my shirt and be available for me to puff whenever I choose. While waiting for the airport transport, I take the opportunity to puff a few times and hope to get as relaxed as possible. If I have enough time, I look for a smoking lounge where I can take a few hits. By the time I board the plane I feel nicely loose and calm. My favorite strain is heavy in CBD and low in THC. I don’t have any high effects but am soothed and able to get through my plane ride. By the time I land at my destination, the effects have worn off. Vaping marijuana also prevents the smell from getting all over my clothing.

recreational cannabis dispensary