Cannabis as an adult

I found out early on in university that I hated drinking, however I actually liked marijuana, and when I drink I tend to lose motor skills! I would fall down plus hurt myself.

I tended to get actually sick the next day.

Hangovers were regularly seriously long plus awful for myself and others too; Then I discovered you can still be considered fun at a celebration if you smoke cannabis or try a pot brownie. I much love being high than drunk. When I am high, I am respectfully fun, creative plus calm. I also guess totally nice in a few minutes plus I don’t ruin our day after, at the time I tried cannabis it was totally illegal in our state! Now that I am older, I don’t hunt for a weed company anymore, however my state also allows for medical cannabis, however since I am not someone who suffers from any medical issue, I just don’t get marijuana anymore. However, I do travel for business a lot. I regularly check the state I am going to to see what the cannabis laws are. I get downright giddy if I am in a state that allows for recreational cannabis. I regularly make it a point to stop in the cannabis dispensary near myself and others plus option out some products. It is fun trying things I have never tried before. In university I had to take whatever weed was given to me. I also only had a limited amount of cannabis to smoke. Now I can try oils, edibles plus topicals if I want to.


Medical marijuana flower